Our trained advocates are there to provide emotional support, assist with safety planning, and to make referrals to services and resources. The line is open to survivors, service providers, and concerned friends and family members.
If you’re in need of help …
Domestic violence can happen to anyone anywhere, at any time. Often people feel guilty and think they could have prevented the violence. Sometimes people think that no one is experiencing violence in the home like they are. No one deserves to be abused.
If this is an emergency - CALL 911
For Assistance Or Information
CALL 24/7: 360-538-0733
National Domestic Violence Hotline
CALL: 1-800-799-7233

Can't Talk?
Use this form to contact us via email. Be sure to provide information on the best times to reach you.
Want to Volunteer?
If you are interested in volunteering at the Domestic Violence Center of Grays Harbor Program, please contact our Executive Director at (360) 538-0733.
Support Groups
These groups are “open” – meaning any client can join at any time. Please contact us at (360) 538-0733 for more information. Our group meets:
Wednesday, 10:00am – 11:00am and @ the Domestic Violence Center office at 2306 Sumner Ave, Hoquiam.
Are The Services Free?
All services at the Domestic Violence Center are free of charge and confidential.
Common Questions
What are the costs for assistance?
All services at the Domestic Violence Center are free of charge and confidential.
Does DVCGH provide shelter?
We have a temporary emergency shelter available to those with or without children who are leaving intimate partner domestic violence. We understand that some people may decide to leave their situation permanently, and others are looking for a break from the situation and may return home. While in shelter, we try to meet basic needs. Household items are available; the shelter is furnished with everything the survivors should need.
Does DVCGH provide support groups?
Yes, support groups are available. These groups are “open” – meaning any client can join at any time. Please contact us at (360) 538-0733 for more information. Our group meets:
Wednesday, 10:00am – 11:00am and @ the Domestic Violence Center office at 2306 Sumner Ave, Hoquiam.
I Would Like To Volunteer
If you are interested in volunteering at the Domestic Violence Center of Grays Harbor Program, please contact our Executive Director at (360) 538-0733.
Does DVCGH provide legal services?
The Legal advocate provides support, safety planning and advocacy for clients as they navigate the legal system as related to the issue of domestic violence. The legal advocate can help obtain the paperwork for court orders, explain the process, and even attend court hearings with the survivor. Referrals are made to other service providers when any legal advice is needed. Advocates cannot provide legal advice.
Are classes available for domestic violence victims?
Yes, classes and training are available. Violence takes many forms, including physical, financial, or emotional abuse just to name a few. Talking to an advocate developing a safety plan that will work for the survivor and their unique situation. The safety plan is all about finding ways that will increase safety for the survivor.
Does DVCGH work with the Dept. Of Social & Health Services?
The Domestic Violence Center has an advocate that is dedicated to working with survivors who are referred by their case workers through the Department of Social and Health Services. They assist with survivors in overcoming their barriers to employment due to domestic violence. All advocates strive to lessen violence in our community, and our world.